If you’re married to a man child or living with one, you just might be able to relate to such behavior. To him, you’re still the beauty queen of his life even if you have pimples and blemishes on your face or you’ve just woken up with disheveled hair. According to a study in the Journal of Marriage and Family, a man who truly loves his partner will take the initiative to have an intimate time with her. He’s not just a good listener when you’re pouring your frustrations. He also pays attention and knows the little things to do that will light up your eyes. And when he gives you gifts, he’ll put some thought in it and not just pick out random stuff at the store to shower you with material things.

I’m sure you’ve wondered if your partner will ever change, or if they will ever love you enough to even try. If you’re parenting together, extra anxiety heaps on you each time your partner promises the children something and doesn’t follow through . You’re always waiting wellhello nervously in the wings wondering if you’ll need to swoop in to fix things, so your children don’t constantly feel the disappointment thatyou know so well. This combination of frustration with yourself and your partner builds up and slowly erodes the fabric of your love.

Many couples come to hold their partner responsible for their happiness, which leads to demands, complaints, and a sense of powerlessness. We should always be open to exploring things that expand our world and be careful not to limit our or our partner’s experiences. Try activities each of you enjoys and see if they add to the arsenal of things you can do together and share in a lively way. This doesn’t mean that you have to share all of your interests or meet every one of each other’s needs.

So before you break up, ask yourself if you have done enough to understand the reason behind your partner’s indifference. Evaluate yourself and see if it’s you who has been EU or your partner. Once you have your honest answers, you will know what to do next. If you feel that, your partner was not always emotionally so distant and that it has been happening recently, then talk it out with him.

How to Calm Your Mind For Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey

It is a sign of the man child syndrome that leaves you feeling like a commitment-phobe loves you. It is not a sign of being cool, it’s a sign of a lazy partner. Dating a selfish man child can be frustrating and exhausting because they just don’t seem to take anything in life, including the relationship, seriously.

Tip 7: Don’t listen to random ‘experts’ online

I have some absurdly effective texts in my personal arsenal that I borrowed from the girls I chatted with. Her choice of words that just hit you like a jolt of lightning. Most people, and especially women, can’t resist a young fluffer like this.

They are doing what others think is right and good for them. The only motive behind the things they do is socially acceptable and please others but don’t be like them. You are coming as a cool, calm person, not as a joy kill. When your partner or friends bring you ideas or plans, make sure you participate and encourage them. Let them know that you value and appreciate the things they bring to the table.

If you do still think that things are not getting better and you might need an expert to intervene and show you the way, you must certainly consider availing the benefits of couples counseling. Lucky for you, Bonobology has a fantastic panel of counselors that are only a click away. Laying down the duties and pinning them to the refrigerator could be a great idea.

He might even surprise you by doing it even better than you expected him to. All you really have to do is ask her about her job, friends, or family. Start taking an interest, even in the things that you used to find boring.

Shift your focus:

Laziness is a luxury that most husbands enjoy, especially in India. Indian men spend a mere 19 minutes a day on housework, even when both spouses are working, says a report. Gender inequality in terms of household chores is related to the patriarchal upbringing of men, even in modern times. Surprisingly, even educated mothers tend to ignore this lackadaisical approach their boys have toward their domestic responsibilities. Her husband’s inability to get things done had been making her angry for quite some time now and she just could not take it anymore.